Lucifer #56 Final Art
This one was featured in Spectrum 12 in 2005. The White Tiger had been a toss-away image that was mentioned to me as I was scrambling to come up with a Cover Idea. Here's a series of quotes:
Me: "I'm thinking of a cover scene with Lilith and Maz walking through the special garden, with the huge tiger between them."
The Writer: "Aaaagh! Tiger's gone, at least as a plot element - but I'll put him back in as a background feature, and maybe have him growl when he thinks that Maz is getting aggressive towards Lilith."
Me: "Thanks for putting the Tiger back in... maybe a WHITE Tiger? Faceless Dryads? YUM!!! BEES??? Even Better... all I need!!!"
The Writer: "One white tiger, to go, coming right up."
Me to the Editor: "Here's my proposed idea for the Lucifer #56 Cover... Lilith and Maz riding a huge White Tiger through a pool at night, the stars reflected in the water."
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