Rocketeer Pinup
This is a pin-up I did for Dave's Rocketeer Comic ever so long ago... he told me later it was one of the pieces He, Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo brought with them when they were pitching The Rocketeer Movie Script. They used it to show the tone they wanted to take: Cliff Secord was Just A Regular Guy, not a super hero; a fellow who found a rocket pack and circumstance brought not only adventure his way, but fired the imaginations of the kids, making him something special in their minds. The scene depicted was shot for the film (adapted to the story), but cut for time and plot. What's left of the children's Rocketeer playtime is seen in the film when the little girl, cupcake pan on her back, runs in front of the Gee Bee parked by the Bulldog Cafe shouting "Rocketeer to the Rescue!"
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