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First Comic Book Stories |
Carson of Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs |
Poster and Book Illustration |
As many as eight full-color posters and one portfolio ( Dante's Inferno). First book illustration, 1975-1977: The Lost Valley of Iskander and The Swords of Shahrazar by Robert E. Howard. Posters: Why He Doesn't Sleep at Night, Conan, The Sacrifice, Icarus Had a Sister, Low Tide, Wizard's Knell, Behind Neptune's Throne Lots of drawings and paintings. I am keeping sketch books during the years 1969-1982. Do work for National Lampoon. Private commissions. More work at Marvel Comics: Science Fiction Odyssey cover, Kazar cover, Conan covers, all painted in oil. |
Gallery Show |
A large Gallery sale of original art in 1977 (Comic Art Gallery in Manhattan). I visit Europe and Great Britain, return refreshed. |
The Studio |
Have joined with three other artists to form "The Studio": Jeffrey Jones, Berni Wrightson, Barry Windsor-Smith. Posters: The Wedding Guest, Solo, She's Leaving Home, Conan: In the Twinkling of an Eye Portfolio : Children of the Twilight -- 4 plates and one b/w drawing. The Studio eventually culminates in the Dragon's Dream (Roger Dean), publication of The Studio, featuring the combined work of all the artists in a large format book. Gallery show in Woodstock, NY, of original art from the Studio. |
1980 |
Meet Elaine Lee. Designed sets, costumes and poster for her sci-fi stage play Starstruck, Network Theater, 51st & 9th, NYC (defunct). Do a six plate b/w Starstruck portfolio. Start doing covers for DC Comics again. Start drawing Starstruck as a comic book, written by Elaine Lee. |
1981-1982 |
Starstruck the comic, almost exclusively. |
1983 |
Starstruck published in Heavy Metal Magazine-- and we put the play on again. Equity Pilot project. Designed sets (and built same) and costumes. TOMI Theater, 73rd & Central Park West, NYC. Stop covers for DC Comics. Begin new series of covers for Marvel Comics: Conan the King and Moonknight. Marvel Comics make a Graphic Novel out of Starstruck. Design nine environments for Revlon Cosmetics photo-shoot, Sean S. Smith, photographer. |
1984 |
Marvel/Epic Comics six issue run of Starstruck. Sell lots of original art. |
1985 |
End Epic Starstruck comics. Byron Preiss: My Name is Paris - four book series for young adults. Color covers and 5 interior illustrations each, published by Random House. I design and do some limited animation for Don't Answer Me, a music video of an Alan Parsons Project song -- runs on MTV. |
1986 |
Begin the Shadow hardback Graphic Novel, Hitler's Astrologer for Marvel Comics. Various DC/ Marvel Comics covers. |
1987 |
Begin work on Metropolis, by Thea von Harbou, for Donning Books (Schiffer Pub). Published in paperback, hardback and special limited slipcased edition. Around 40 illustrations. The Adventures of Brucilla the Muscle, Galactic Girl Guide a 10 page backup feature written by Elaine Lee for Dave Stevens' Rocketeer Adventure magazine. Comico Pub. The Magik poster for Marvel. The first work on Bill, The Galactic Hero sequels by Harry Harrison for Byron Preiss. I do 4 books with multiple illustrations plus cover for the 5th. Published by: Avon The Legacy of Lehr by Katherine Kurtz, cover and eight illustrations, hardback for Byron Preiss, published by: Walker and Co. NYC Shadow Ablaze, limited print for First Team Graphics. |
1988 |
More covers for various publishers. Do design work for advertising animation company for national advertising campaign: Sunlight dishwashing liquid. Two commercials. Begin The Private Files of the Shadow - a reprint book from DC Comics. I write and draw a new 15 page story. The Adventures of Brucilla the Muscle, Galactic Girl Guide #2 for Dave Stevens' Rocketeer Adventure magazine. Comico. Covers, covers, covers... |
1989 |
Illustrate Ricardo, Diary of a Matinee Idol - cover and three interior illustrations. A hardback novel by Richard Alfieri. Published by John Daniel & Co. Draw the comic book adaptation of the James Cameron film The Abyss for Dark Horse Comics. Begin work on Trooper ( lasting 1989 - 91) - complete design plus production paintings for Trooper, a sci-fi/film noir film in production from Metropolitain Film Export, Paris, France. Christophe Gans, writer/director; Samuel Hadida, producer. To star Christopher Lambert (It never happens). Begin The Expanding Universe stories of Starstruck for Dark Horse Comics with Elaine Lee. |
1990 |
Starstruck, The Expanding Universe Production designs for the TV pilot, Human Target for Pet-Fly/Warner Bros television (Pet-Fly authors Danny Bilson/Paul Demeo authored The Rocketeer). Designed the "Black Wing" flying wing and a featured pocket communicator. Show airs summer of1992. Starring Rick Springfield. Produced by Don Kurt. Continue to work on Trooper movie. Working on Bill, The Galactic Hero book illustrations - sequel # 2,3,4 Early production designs for The Flash TV show - Pet-Fly Productions: alternative costume designs and an armored police van Production designs for Universal Cartoon Company's animated pilot based on the film Darkman by Sam Rami, including character, setting and many "mood" drawings for use in style visualization, based on my Shadow approach (Project is still-born). Production designs for Universal Cartoon Company's proposed late night animation: Universal's Famous Monsters, retitled Monster Matinee (Frankenstein, Dracula, Werewolf, etc.) including character designs, settings and "mood" pieces (Project is still-born). |
(1990-1991) |
Presentation drawings and paintings for Lorimar television for a proposed late night animation, Harry B. Trew, a 1930's detective pastiche. Character, settings and mood pieces (Project is still-born). Presentation art for Focus On The Family for a proposed live action video series of 1930's-like adventures for young adults. |
1991 |
First four new Starstruck books are out - 100 new pages of art. Dark Horse Comics Draw and paint three covers for DC Comics/TSR Dragonlance comic, # 30, 31, 32. Draw and paint cover for Harris Publications' Creepy Magazine reprint - trade paperback. Begin work on The Adventures of the Galactic Girl Guards - a five issue comic and activity book from Tundra Publishing with art by Linda Medley, Phil Trumbo and myself (The company will re-define itself and sit on the GGG project: No publication date in view). For Limelight and Largo Entertainment: (1990 - 91) Character, setting, mood and toy prototypes for The Adventures of Brucilla the Muscle, Galactic Girl Guide/Guard, sometimes called Maddie McPhee and the Galactic Girl Guides -- a movie spin off of the aforementioned Starstruck science fiction play-- in development by Pet Fly Productions for Walt Disney Productions, October, 1992 (The project goes nowhere). Begin work on Starstruck #5 for Dark Horse. Cover for Cheval Noir #18 from Dark Horse. Four new Vampirella covers (1 - 4) for Harris Comics and the cover to their first Creepy comic. Production designs for Pet-Fly Productions/ Hollywood Films for G-Men, a 1920's fog, murder and mayhem opus currently on the shelf until such time as these type films start making money again. |
1992 |
Begin a project in company with Charles Vess: Illustrate Anne of Green Gables for a series of English Language workbooks for Japanese children. The project lasts almost a year, but is cancelled. Paint a cover for Glenn Danzig's symphonic CD: Black Aria Draw an 8-page SF story for Heavy Metal Magazine: The Next Best Thing to Being There, destined for the NBM book Skin Tight Orbit, written by Elaine Lee Draw lots of covers for Marvel and DC Comics, and sell lots of original art, most of which is destined for the Words and Pictures Gallery in Northampton, Massachusetts The first of the wave of Collectable Cards start being drawn. This one is for DC Comics, and features Madame Xanadu (a character I designed as the hostess in Doorway to Nightmare for DC years ago). It will be followed by cards for Star Wars and Marvel/Malibu Comics Joel Goss and I begin writing In the Coils of Leviathan, a Shadow Story in Four Books, to be illustrated by Gary Gianni over my layouts. There will be four covers, and each issue will contain several pages of very purple prose I've written and illustrated. Published by Dark Horse Comics |
1993 |
I begin work on the 1994 JRR Tolkien Calendar: 12 paintings between October 1992 and Feb 1993, published in England by HarperCollins Pub Ltd. and in the USA by Ballantine Books The first in a series of Pin-Ups for comic books dedicated to a single character: Death and The Sandman for DC COMICS More covers for Marvel and DC Comics, including the well-received 3 cover series Witchcraft I design the Characters and Aircraft for Stealth Warriors of the Red Pyramid, a Saturday AM Cartoon attempt from Marvel Entertainment. The idea is to produce a 2 1/2 minute teaser to convince the bigwigs to produce 30 of the cartoons. As of NOW, nothing happening I begin to assemble my first Art Card Set for Friedlander Publishing Group (FPG), a 90 + 5 card collection, featuring EVERYTHING I ever did in color that I own the right to, or can get permission to publish. I contribute to the early design work on the movie The Shadow. I will get a screen credit and spend the rest of my life telling Shadow Fans what I DIDN'T like about the movie. I am hired by Carl Fullerton to design The Shadow's makeup over photos of Alec Baldwin. The Shadow's look is based on my print The Shadow: Ablaze from First Team Graphics I draw 10 b/w pictures for White Wolf's Role Playing Game Mage; they are also published in a portfolio and as covers for various game modules |
1994 |
Covers and Colophon for Last Unicorn's Role Playing Game Aria Joel Goss and I adapt the Shadow Movie for Dark Horse Comics, "fixing" the myriad problems we had with the script, yet staying in the bounds of the story, as written. I do the art for the comic. I am contacted by Concrete Marketing/Sony to paint the cover for Nativity In Black: A Tribute to Black Sabbath; CD Cover plus 12 interior illustrations. Glenn Danzig asks me to do an interior cover for his 4th Danzig album. It is also used as a T-Shirt design and neck pendant. I do 4 covers for the Marvel series Prince Valiant, written by Charles Vess and Elaine Lee LOTS more trading cards for DC Comics and Marvel Joel Goss and I write Hell's Heat Wave, a three book Shadow story to be illustrated by Gary Gianni over my layouts. Published in May, 1995, by Dark Horse Comics |
1995 |
I begin work on my second Art Card Set for FPG, released in November of 1995: 90 cards, most of these, new art. I do a free painting for a Celebrity Cook Book. My illustration is for Liza Minnelli's Gazpacho Recipe. The book is supposed to get "The Treatment": Media Coverage, a big banquet covered on VH1, etc, summer of '95: a gala evening at the Manhattan Hard Rock Cafe. I paint 30 cards and 3 screen pieces for Last Unicorn Games' new Card Game, Heresy: Kingdom Come released in the fall of 1995. Also for Dark Horse Comics: 6 illustrations for Tarzan, The Lost Adventure,a hardback/paperback edition of a newly discovered Tarzan story fragment. |
1996 |
Still drawing covers for DC Comics, most notably Books of Magic and The Spectre. Still drawing Starstruck, the Expanding Universe for Dark Horse Comics. The first collection is to be published by Marlowe & Co. in the fall of 1996. Marlowe chokes and refuses to publish. Project dead. Designed characters and embellished environments for the CD ROM Onyx (1995-1998), working with an international host of artists (Roger Dean), writers (Elaine Lee), Russian programmers and designers (Animatek), using E-Mail and FTP resources in USA. Russia, Japan and the UK. Due out in 1998. Also designing Characters and Weapons for SegaSoft's Ragged Earth, a Sci-Fi shoot-em-up, again with landscapes by Roger Dean. Product for IBM compatibles, due out for Christmas 1997 |
1997 |
Two Covers for Dark Horse Comics' Tarzan comic Book Two Covers for Holistic Designs Role Playing Game Fading Suns Cover for the 1997 DC Comics' Direct Currents Promo Comic, the company's "What We Are Doing This Year" publication I continue drawing and painting the covers for DC Comics' monthly books Books of Magic, Vermillion and Witchcraft. I design a number of Alternative Superman Characters for DC Comics, for use in a film proposal. Various Pin-ups and Covers... Colleen Doran's Distant Soil Book. I design about 20 images for Film Roman for an animated cartoon series titled Lovecraft is Missing, about a man and woman team of psychic investigators searching for HP Lovecraft as all the doors of hell and the universe open. |
1998 |
I draw 20 black and white and 4 color illustrations for the Edgar Rice Burroughs' book Minidoka, the last unpublished story written by the creator of Tarzan. Published in Hardback and Paperback by Dark Horse. |
1999 |
I design the sets and ad art for the play Dark Lantern, produced in New York City. I continue drawing and painting the Books of Magic covers for DC Comics Painted cover for Flinch, a DC Comics adult title: Murder and Mayhem. Concrete Marketing hires me to do their second CD Album Cover, Nativity In Black Part II, a cover plus 12 interior paintings for a tribute to the music of Black Sabbath. It is released in June of 2000. I begin painting the series of covers for Continuum, a time-travelling role playing game. I begin my series of Aquaman Covers for DC Comics, from Issue 64 to issue 75. I am contracted by Warner Brothers to do a month of conceptual designs for their upcoming animated feature Osmosis Jones, starring Chris Rock as a White Blood Cell. I do the cover for Penny Farthing Press' The Victorian #8. Submitted to Spectrum, it wins the Silver Award for excellence in Comic Book Covers. |
2000 |
I design the Main Characters for the proposed animated series Zephyr's Pond I end my run on the Books of Magic covers for DC Comics with issue 75. I indulge in many private commissions to keep the wolf at bay. I set the wheels in motion for a major color hardback about my work, plus another sketchbook, both to be published in September of 2000. |
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